Guiné-BissauLucille GomesAmbassadorPresident & FounderFondation Aua Help Noma AHN

Lucille Gomes

Lucille Gomes, is an expert consultant and in Charge of Diplomatic Mission. She is also the President of the Association and Foundation Aua Help Noma (AHN). Lucille, is a member and founder of the Forum Guinea-Bissau Lanta. Her experiences and skills have led her to work internationally with several countries in diplomacy, as well as a fashion promoter. Today, she helps and participates in the economic and social development of her country Guinea Bissau. Entrepreneur and altruistic Lucille is a person who enjoys helping others. In 2015, following her meeting with a little girl suffering from Noma's disease, Lucille created the Aua Help Noma foundation (AHN) which has received support of several personalities such as Mr Ndaba Mandela, Princess Charlene of Monaco, French President Emmanuel Macron and the former President of the Republic of Guinea-Bissau José Mario Vaz. Several social projects are implemented through the foundation. Today, as Ambassador of Global Wellness Day for Guinea Bissau Lucille,  will foster well-being because it is necessary for development but also for the proper functioning of life in society. By focusing on health education (Malnutrition which today affects more than 821 million people around the world and 140 million children suffer from malnutrition). But also to help each human being to plant the most beautiful, seeds on the ground of his intelligence whatever the situation, education background and social affiliation.  
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