MacedoniaTanja Angelkova PetkovaGWD AmbassadorFaculty of Tourism & Business Logistic University “Goce Delcev” of

Tanja Angelkova Petkova

Tanja Angelkova Petkova is a Profesor at the Faculty of Tourism and Business Logistic in Gevgelija, through the University “Goce Delcev” of Stip, Macedonia.  She received her Master’s and PhD from the Singidunum University in Belgrade, Serbia; field – Management of touristic destinations and specific forms of tourism. In the scientific work she has published many papers and books. She participates at many scientific, conferences, symposiums and scientific projects in the Republic of Macedonia and worldwide. She has worked for many international organizations, such as: FAO (Food and agriculture organization of the United Nation), Belgrade, Serbia, GRM International AB / MAASP Program Office, Skopje, Macedonia, GTZ Ohrid, Macedonia and GTZ Belgrade, Serbia etc.
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